In 2020, Baron Hirsch Cemetery enacted an Adopt-A-Monument Program to be implemented by the Cemetery, for the purpose of beautifying, restoring, and honoring our sacred space. Since April of 2010, Pamela Itzkowitz has made it her mission to restore hundreds of monuments in the Cemetery.
Please join us at Baron Hirsch Cemetery to preserve and safeguard these invaluable treasures. Click here to download the Adopt-a-Monument donation form

Each monument presents its own unique challenge for restoration.
From the inception of this project, public-spirited volunteers, society groups, private individuals, and organizations have become active in adopting monuments for the cleanup and beautification of this valuable historic cemetery.
The participant’s generous donations will go directly to the lift of a specific headstone; as a benefactor of this monument, you will see your money in action, receive a photo of the erected stone as well as a donation receipt, and be acknowledged by the cemetery in our office Book of Benefactor’s that will be displayed.
It is estimated that we have over 65,000 burials, and we are still growing. Many of our 500 societies have become defunct and abandoned over time, and with no family members left to visit or maintain them, it falls upon the cemetery to use its limited funds to care for all. To date, we have cleaned hundreds of society grounds and lifted roughly over 100 plus individual monuments over the course of the ten years, and it is a continuing endeavor and mission of the cemetery.
As we clean, we discover monuments that need lifting and some require restoration; this is a mission that is close to the heart of our cemetery and we feel it is important to not only the Baron Hirsch Community but the larger community we reside in.
This is why we are asking for your support; although we are aware of the challenges this year has brought all of us, we are still here working to preserve the memories of the individuals buried at Baron Hirsch Cemetery and honor them by making their resting place a beautiful and peaceful space.

- A donation of $200.00 will lift a single headstone.
- A donation of $450.00 will lift a double headstone.
- A donation of $150 will clean off an individual’s grave.
Any donation is appreciated; as a non for profit, we are so very grateful for all support. Smaller donations will be combined, and if you are capable of a larger donation contact our office about how you can help. All cleanings and lifts elevate the Baron Hirsch Cemetery as a whole.
Thank you for your support!